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School Pods in Cabo San Lucas

School Pods in Cabo San Lucas

Cabo has seen a huge shift with the types of expats moving here. Instead of a large influx of retirees, we are seeing more and more young families moving to Cabo. That means they are looking for schooling options for their kids. One of the less traditional options is the option of school “pod” aka a smaller group of kids being taught with a homeschool approach.

What is a pod?

A school pod is a smaller school, where the student to teacher ratio is much smaller than in a private or public school. Typically in a pod there is one teacher for 8-10 kids, rather than one teacher for 25-30 kids like in a larger school. Pods have normal school hours, usually starting at 9am and ending at 2pm.

Are pods considered official? Will my child receive certification?

Unlike traditional homeschooling, many pods have the option for your child to be enrolled in SEP (Secretary of Public Education). By enrolling in SEP, your child receives credit for completing the school year and advances to the next year. If you haven’t enrolled your child in SEP, they may be able to test into the corresponding grade.

Do kids have to wear masks in pods?

Generally speaking, the answer is no. Wearing masks in a school pod isn’t enforced. If a child feels more comfortable wearing a mask, they are welcome to wear one. However most teachers don’t wear masks because having their face covered can make learning difficult, especially when communicating in a foreign language. According to The Atlantic, “…masking is a barrier to speech recognition, hearing, and communication, and that masks impede children’s ability to decode facial expressions, dampening children’s perceived trustworthiness of faces.”

Does my child have to speak Spanish to be in a pod?

No! One of the beautiful things about living in Cabo San Lucas is our diversity. And because there are so many expats in Cabo, most people speak Spanish and English. Many school pods offer teaching in both languages. A school pod is a great way for your child to be immersed in the language. They are less likely to get “lost” in a public or private school where there so many kids in one classroom.

Additional Benefits of a Learning Pod

  • Students have greater access to their teachers. Because it’s a smaller group, teachers can dedicate more time per student and even personalize instruction for your child’s needs.

  • Kids get to know each other and their teachers better. Kids learn best when they feel comfortable. When they are able to form close bonds with teachers and other students, they feel more psychologically safe to ask questions and learn.

  • Curriculum extends beyond traditional curriculum. Learning pods offer kids a chance to learn about life outside of school. For example, some pods have created small gardens to teach kids about agriculture and other pods have taken whale watching field trips!

  • Pods consider input from parents. Rather than teaching standard curriculum, parents are encouraged to participate in class and share their ideas about what kids should be learning.

  • Personalized instruction to help your child catch up. Most kids have been a little behind since COVID kept everyone indoors. If your child is behind, a learning pod is a great way to help them get caught up since they won’t be fighting for attention like in a larger, traditional classroom setting.

And in case you’re wondering, yes, I do have a recommendation for a learning pod in Cabo. Seeds Academy is a small pod located in the Tezal area of Cabo San Lucas. They are currently enrolling children for Kindergarten through 4th grade. School is taught in English and Spanish, with the addition of French. If you’re interested, please contact Grace Le Duc at 624 129 5885.

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